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Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
список моделей
AKÖV és Volán vállalatcsoport, teherszállítás
1962-1969: x. AKÖV; 1970-1983: x. Volán; from 1984 each firm had an individual name, for an accurate list of Volán companies see http://fotobus.msk.ru/city/147/. This list contains the known trucks of the freight transport branch of the AKÖV-Volán company group (except service vehicles). Freight transport branch of the Volán companies were cut off during the profile cleaning and privatised until late 1992.
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Belkereskedelmi és Szállítási Vállalat
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Építési és Fuvarozási Vállalatcsoport
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Magyar Posta список моделей
For the list of prisoner transporters and buses, visit http://fotobus.msk.ru/list.php?did=18531
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Magyar Honvédség список моделей
BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság (Tűzoltóság)
Vehicles of professional and municipal fire brigades
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Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesületek járművei
Volunteer Firefighter Associations work in villages and small towns, where neither professional nor municipal fire brigades are located. They work with mostly used vehicles.
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Museum vehicles with OT plates
This group contains that private veteran trucks, which are at least 30 years old and still have their original technical specifications. The latter is proved by a special certification and a special number plate with the following format: OT xx-xx.
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Other museum vehicles
This group contains other private preserved vehicles, which have (or which were spotted with) temporary plates, plates of an old format (which are not valid currently) or no plates at all.
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Trucks related to motorsports список моделей
Others, old license plates up to 1958 список моделей
Trucks of other state companies (pre 1990 system) список моделей
Прочие (1990-2022)
Format: ABC-123
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Others (2022- )
Format: AB CD-123___________________________________________________________________
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Budapest Airport список моделей
Budapesti Közlekedési Zrt.
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Budapest Közút Zrt.
From October 2011. Road maintenance, road reconstruction and traffic engineering on the municipal road network of Budapest.
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Deshko Sped Kft список моделей
Dunagép Zrt.
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Duna-Híd Fuvarozó Kft.
From 1989.
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Észak-Budai Zrt. список моделей
Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt. список моделей
Fővárosi Kertészeti Vállalat список моделей
Fővárosi Közterületfenntartó Zrt.
Tasks in Budapest and its agglomeration: household garbage transportation, road cleaning. Road maintenance branch of the company was separated into a new firm (BKK Közút) in October 2011.
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Fővárosi Vízművek список моделей
Frissbeton Kft. список моделей
Hunga-Road Technika Kft. список моделей
1966-2002; incorporated into Volán Tefu in 2002.
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Operator of suburban railways (HÉV; lines H5-H9) of Budapest from 02.2017.
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Molnárbeton Kft. список моделей
Percze kosarasautó ev.
From 1995. http://www.percze.hu/html_eng/ceginfo.htm
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Sali-Daru Kosaras Gépkocsi Kölcsönző Kft
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SZÁBED Kft. список моделей
TEN-T Zrt.
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Volán Autódaru Kft.
From 1995. Link: http://www.volanautodaru.hu/services.htm
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Volánbusz Zrt.
This list contains the service vehicles of Volánbusz Zrt. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases.
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Waberer's International Nyrt.
1962-1969: 1. AKÖV; 1970-1983: 1. Volán; 1984-2003: Volán Tefu, privatised in 1994; 2003- : Waberer's. http://www.waberers.com/en
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Budapest, others
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Sutus-Bau Kft. список моделей
Bács-Kiskun megye, others
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Baranya megye, others
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Dél-alföldi Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
From 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2019. Predecessors: Bács Volán Zrt., Körös Volán Zrt., Kunság Volán Zrt., Tisza Volán Zrt. This list contains the service vehicles of DAKK Zrt. and its predecessors, as well as those trucks, which remained at the Volán companies after their profile cleaning in the early 90s. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases. In October 2019, this company was incorporated into Volánbusz Zrt.
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Egyetértés Mezőgazdasági Termelő Szövetkezet, Békés
Privatised in 1992.
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Békés megye, others
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Észak-magyarországi Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
From 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2019. Predecessors: Borsod Volán Zrt., Hajdú Volán Zrt., Szabolcs Volán Zrt. This list contains the service vehicles of ÉMKK Zrt. and its predecessors, as well as those trucks, which remained at the Volán companies after their profile cleaning in the early 90s. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases. In October 2019, this company was incorporated into Volánbusz Zrt.
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Mezőkövesdi Városgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. список моделей
Miskolci Városi Közlekedési Zrt.
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Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye, others
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Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság
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Dózer-ÉP Kft. список моделей
Csongrád-Csanád megye, others
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Fejér megye, others
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Győr-Moson-Sopron megye, others
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DKV Debreceni Közlekedési Zrt.
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TI-Grét Kft. список моделей
Hajdú-Bihar megye, others
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Böjt-Trans Kft. список моделей
Hatvani Városgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. список моделей
Horváth Rudolf Intertransport Kft. список моделей
Városgondozás Eger Kft. список моделей
Heves megye, others
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Középkelet-magyarországi Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
From 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2019. Predecessors: Agria Volán Zrt., Hatvani Volán Zrt., Jászkun Volán Zrt., Mátra Volán Zrt., Nógrád Volán Zrt. This list contains the service vehicles of KMKK Zrt. and its predecessors, as well as those trucks, which remained at the Volán companies after their profile cleaning in the early 90s. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases. In October 2019, this company was incorporated into Volánbusz Zrt.
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Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye, others
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Középnyugat-magyarországi Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
From 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2019. Predecessors: Alba Volán Zrt., Vértes Volán Zrt. This list contains the service vehicles of KNYKK Zrt. and its predecessors, as well as those trucks, which remained at the Volán companies after their profile cleaning in the early 90s. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases. In October 2019, this company was incorporated into Volánbusz Zrt.
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Komárom-Esztergom megye, others
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Városgazdálkodási és Üzemeltetési Nonprofit Kft. Salgótarján
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Nógrád megye, others
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Hunland Livestock & Meat Import / Export
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Pest megye, others
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Dél-dunántúli Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
From 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2019. Predecessors: Gemenc Volán Zrt., Kapos Volán Zrt., Pannon Volán Zrt. This list contains the service vehicles of DDKK Zrt. and its predecessors, as well as those trucks, which remained at the Volán companies after their profile cleaning in the early 90s. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases. In October 2019, this company was incorporated into Volánbusz Zrt.
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Somogy megye, others
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Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye, others
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Tolna megye, others
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Északnyugat-magyarországi Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
From 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2019. Predecessors: Bakony Volán Zrt., Balaton Volán Zrt., Kisalföld Volán Zrt., Somló Volán Zrt., Vasi Volán Zrt., Zala Volán Zrt. This list contains the service vehicles of ÉNYKK Zrt. and its predecessors, as well as those trucks, which remained at the Volán companies after their profile cleaning in the early 90s. Specifying of the depot can be inaccurate in certain cases. In October 2019, this company was incorporated into Volánbusz Zrt.
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Vas megye, others
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André Van Olst Kft.
Taliándörögd; suspended
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Veszprém megye, others
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Zala megye, others
список моделей

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"Four letter - three digit" system of number plates in Hungary

The new system is introduced in 2022, since the previous one is near its end. The new format contains 2 x 2 letters and three digits. The new system works like a serial number, combinations are issued one after another. There are no differences like in the previous system, only taxis (yellow background and beginning with TX) and environmentally friendly cars (green background) are separated from the others.

"Three letter - three digit" system of number plates in Hungary

The system was introduced in 1990, when the vehicle register was moved to the local governments from the police, and a lot of corrections needed to be done. Accordingly, the number plates of all of the vehicles in circulation needed to be changed to a new one. With a few exceptions, all two-letter-four-digit plates were replaced. However, the combination has originally no connection with geographic location, several letter combinations have their original city, and several combinations were introduced in more cities depending on their sequence number. Issuing new plates and changing the old ones was carried out in parallel.

Types of Hungarian number plates, which are important in connection with freight transport:

Ordinary plate: having the following format: ABC-123. Most of the vehicles wear this type. Since May, 2004 euroband instead of the Hungarian tricolor.
Yellow plate: Issued from FIx - ..., commercial plates, which were used on trucks and buses. They also have the geographic connection discussed above. Since 2008 yellow plates are not a requirement for trucks and buses any more, but their change to a white one is not obligatory. Since May, 2004 euroband instead of the Hungarian tricolor.
Old timer plate: for veteran vehicles, see "Museum vehicles" above for more details.
Military plate: starting with H and another letter, followed by four numbers. The second letter signs the nature of the vehicle. Generally HT for tucks, HB for buses.
Police and customs plates: similar to military plates, starting with RB (for police) or RR (for law enforcement and customs).
Slow vehicle plate: having the format of the ordinary plate, but starting with "Y" and red characters, using this plate is subject to strict technical conditions.
Agricultural plate: "M" and six digits, green characters. Expires after 3 years and cannot be renewed.
Temporary plates: one letter and five numbers, separated a hyphen. On the right side two small numbers are indicating the year of issue (E, Z, P plates) or the year when it is valid (V plates).

More info on Wikipedia

Freight transport in Hungary

Before 1990, there were only state enterprises for freight transport. The largest companies were the AKÖV-Volán companies, the Volán TEFU (1948-2004) and Hungarocamion (1966-2006). In 1991-1992, the Volán companies had to get out of the freight profile, these parts were reorganized to separate firms and later they were sold. After 1990, many new private firms were also established.

In 1994, Volán TEFU was privatised, in 2002 it bought the Hungarocamion (but its name remained yet), then in 2004 the group took up the name Waberers Holding Logisztikai Rt., in 2006 the name Hungarocamion was changed to Waberers International Rt.

Truck fleet in Hungary

In the years of socialism and the 90s, Hungary was a unique place, because almost all of the socialist truck manufacturers were represented by their products in comparable quantitites. For example, in 1992, 5940 Kamaz and 4153 Tatra trucks were in operation, their ratio is only 1.43. In the other countries, either Kamaz trucks or Tatra trucks dominated. In the category of 3-ton trucks, in 1992, 6223 Avia and 8700 Robur trucks were in operation. Their also had a similar ratio. Besides these, the IFA was the most represented make, over 64 000 of them worked in 1992. During the late 90s, and in the first decades of the new millenium, inflowing of models from West Europe increased, both used and new vehicles. Somewhen in the 00s, the fleet turned: more trucks from West Europe operated than the old makes of the East Block. Some makes became extinct or extremely rare, such as Jelcz, Star, MAZ, Robur or Roman Diesel. The national trucks, such as Csepel and Rába came to also this fate. In 2009, the number of operating IFA trucks also fell under 10 000. In 2017, only circa 7000 of the old East-European trucks were in operation, when alltogether 481 000 trucks worked in Hungary. The most common medium and heavy trucks are now Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Mitsubishi and Renault.

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