
Комментарии к Zetor (общая модель) № YBJ-699

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Новоалтаец · 20.09.2020 20:39 MSK
Фото: 16113 · Общий редактор

По некоторым данным, у нас на некоторые Икарусы пригородные ставили барнаульские двигателя Трансмаша УТД-20 с БМП! Вот где был перебор с весом думаю!
According to some reports, we have some Ikarus suburban put Barnaul engine Transmash UTD-20 with BMP! That's where there was way too much weight I think!

Венгрия, Zetor (общая модель) № YBJ-699
266-60 · 20.09.2020 10:00 MSK
Фото: 6599 ·

Basically not the engine location was wrong but that parts of the body were too weak, which were the second door and its close environment. The other reason of body breakage was the remot program, which was launched in the early 2000s. Many of the Ikarus 266s got a more environmental friendly engine (the D10 model), but it was one and a half times heavier than the original one. And, in addition, the quality of our roads are criminal...

Венгрия, Zetor (общая модель) № YBJ-699
Новоалтаец · 14.09.2020 08:34 MSK
Фото: 16113 · Общий редактор

Извечная беда Икаруса-266-отвисший зад из-за своего расположения двигателя. Был у нас такой в городе, причём не так давно в 2000-х годах уже. Ездил и задом чиркал по дороге почти.
The eternal trouble of Ikarus-266 is a saggy backside due to its engine location. We had one in the city, and not so long ago in the 2000s already. Went and back scratched on the road almost.

Венгрия, Zetor (общая модель) № YBJ-699