Техника на постаментах, памятники (Венгрия)

Автор: 266-60 Дата: 10 августа 2021 г., вторник
Рейтинг: +15 ![]()
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Венгрия, Csepel D-352 № (HU) U/N 0102
Комментарии (5)
Фото: 7039 · Редактор БД Only some of the Csepel D-755 were built with Sisu cabine.
https://www.vezess.hu/haszongepjarmu/202...pelbol/ https://platesmania.com/gallery.php?mark...l=10694 The classic Csepel models (D-350, 344, 450, 700, 705) were built with Ikarus-made cabines. In the 70s the cabine-plant of the Ikarus factory was suspended, since then Csepel trucks got foreign cabines, for example Steyr or Jelcz. The last trial was the use of Sisu cabine.
Alexey Benera ·
![]() Фото: 7433 · Фотомодератор Цитата (266-60, 30.01.2023):
> The last trial was the use of Sisu cabine. https://fototruck.ru/photo/198585/ Similar design
Фото: 7039 · Редактор БД Цитата (Alexey Benera, 31.01.2023):
> Similar design They are really similar, but not the Sisu was the sample. The Csepel D-350 was the first Csepel model, which was built according to the licence of Steyr D-380. https://www.makettinfo.hu/upload/201011/....hu.jpg https://www.picautos.com/27089-steyr-380.html
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Фото: 7433 · Фотомодератор